Thursday, 25 September 2014


दिल को खलता है ये शुष्क-कोरा कागज,
पर इसे अल्फाज़ो में भिगौना अच्छा नहीं लगता | 

हर लम्हे को फुरसत से जीना चाहता हुँ | 
पर इस जहाँ में इक पल बिताना अब अच्छा नहीं लगता | 

लफ्ज़, लबों से बाहर निकलने की मशक्कत करते है,
पर उन्हें आवाज़ में पिरौना अब अच्छा नहीं लगता | 

मय से इक रूहानी सुकूं मिलता है,
पर न जाने क्यों मैख़ाने में जाना अब अच्छा नहीं लगता | 

उसे अपलक निहारने की अज़ीब सी दिल्लगी रहती है,
पर उन तंग गलियों में जाना अब अच्छा नहीं लगता | 

उनके खयालो में खोया रहना चाहता हुँ,
पर यूं बेवजह रात-रात भर रोना अब अच्छा नहीं लगता | 

Aniruddh Nandwana
Y13 Undergraduate, The LNMIIT

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Curious Case Of Human Curiosity

Curiosity has haunted mankind since time immemorial and still continues to. In fact, human civilisation is a living example of this. If our ancestors were not curious about the bounties of nature we now know how to exploit so well, we would not be living a life like we do. It doesn’t just include technological advancements but also includes metamorphosis in way of life, social and behavioural traits. And this transformation hasn’t ceased yet. Man is still exploring the nature, newspapers full of stories of inventions taking place in some or the other part of the world is a proof of this. This quest to know more encompasses all domains, be it food, technology, beauty, health, conservation of resources and a host of other disciplines. The likes of Einstein, Aryabhatta, and Darwin threw light on this curious nature of humans. Curiosity is ageless. It never diminishes, there is always something that fascinates you, makes you wonder, makes you ponder over and stays till the last breath. I’m no exception this.

I have this weird curiosity about how the world looks from someone else’s eyes. Of course, it is a well-known fact that every individual has a perception of their own, which is governed by their society, culture, upbringing, circumstances, life experiences among a plethora of other factors, and this perception decides to some extent our future and the choices we make in life. But let’s scrutinize it at physiological level about how the world seems from someone else’s eyes, literally. It’s inexplicable but it’s something like this: if ten people were made to sit in a room and shown a bunch of grapes, they would all report green colour. Even though their interpreted colours can be different but still everyone reports ‘green’ colour because they have learnt to call their interpreted colours ‘green’. This can be explained by the fact that since everyone is unique and wired uniquely, the interplay between eyes and brain that enables vision might be a unique characteristic of an individual too, just like fingerprints are.

But just as intriguing as this idea is, it’s difficult to validate it. As practically it is not possible to swap our eyes with someone else’s. Even if it were possible we wouldn’t get a true picture because it’s not just the eyes but also how the brain interprets what our eyes see, that constitutes vision. And obviously if we swapped our brains with someone else our existence itself becomes an ambiguity!

I have reflected upon this for a very long time now and I have failed to find a resolve, even if I did, it’s not practically possible to exercise it.

Thus my curiosity remains un-satiated and unsettled like many others. 

Y12 Undergraduate, The LNMIIT

Monday, 8 September 2014

जलवायु परिवर्तन

जलवायु मे हो रहा परिवर्तन

क्या मनुष्यों को प्रकृति के सामने करना पड़ेगा आत्मसमर्पण

दूषित हुईनदियाँ कट गए पेड़

मनुष्यों ने अपने फायदे के लिए प्रकृति से खेला खेल

जब खेला है खेल तो प्रकृति कैसे रहती पीछे

उसने भी चली चाल पीछे पीछे

मनुष्यों के प्रहार से प्रकृति ने बदला व्यव्हार

इस व्हाय्व्हार से मनुष्य हुआ बेहाल

तापमान बदला मौसम बदले

प्राकृतिक आपदाओं की हुई भरमार

जलवायु मे हो रहा परिवर्तन

क्या मनुष्यों को प्रकृति के सामने करना पड़ेगा आत्मसमर्पण

अब भी समय है जाग जा मनुष्य

प्रकृति के सामने हार जा मनुष्य

प्रकृति कर देगी तेरा बुरा हाल

समझौता करके रह खुशहाल

पेड़ लगा, प्रदुषण रोक

प्रकृति को मत करने दे तेरा भोग

अपनी धरती माँ को बचा

प्रकृति को तू ना सता

जलवायु मे हो रहा परिवर्तन
क्या मनुष्यों को प्रकृति के सामने करना पड़ेगा आत्मसमर्पण

Gaurav Hans
Y14 Undergraduate, The LNMIIT

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Acid Attack

ACID ATTACK. There is no need to explain its meaning to anybody. It has become so common these days that it just looks like another slang. Are you angry? Do you want to take revenge? Do you just want an easy and effective weapon? Go for acid. Is it how you would describe it??
Many of us would explain that it’s a social evil, a curse on the society and some more of the well read and said phrases like these. But, seldom have we given it a deep thought. Acid is not just another liquid. It’s a fire. A fire that burns the body of the victim, the soul of the victim and the dreams of the person are turned into ashes. It spreads to the victim’s family and all the happiness goes into the state of oblivion.

I agree that the true beauty is of the mind and thoughts, and not physical. But none of us we can deny the fact that our personality contributes towards building our self confidence. We live in a society where our appearance matters a lot. Or else how would you justify people using plastic surgeries to either fix their slightly crooked nose or get a clearer skin. But the acid attack victims live with the pain and the humiliation they feel. Do we see the lucky surviving victims of acid attacks around us everyday living a normal life? The answer is no. Either they stop stepping outside into the open world due to fear of judgment or use a veil to cover themselves. They are just pushed into a life full of darkness. Don’t we all use a mirror at least once in a day to check if we look good? Of course, we do. This is normal human behavior. We all want to look beautiful. But for them, mirror is another medium to bring back the dark memories.

The fact is that that there are many people who help acid attacked victims monetarily and even give them moral support. The more important question here is, FOR HOW LONG. For how long will we keep ignoring the problem? It’s not about what we do later. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS. We need to grow as human beings. You, me and all of us. No sane reason can ever justify a sin like this.

Sonali Gupta
Y14 Undergraduate, The LNMIIT