Thursday 24 October 2013

Hang In There...

There are times when we are so sullen and emotionally exhausted that we long for outlets of our emotions. Not that we need a trigger for any catharsis, but we are so choked and full to the brim that in that state of numbness, it is a far fetches thing to realize this on our own.

We have a hard time breathing, a harder time gulping and all we do is to try shaking it all off. But it never works, not for me.

Situations, circumstances or whatever one might call them in their lingos, are so twisted and wicked. No matter how hard you try, you end up in despair. That's when our faith is shaken. We start losing it. Everything around us starts annoying us.

We start to damn that whatever we are today, we were not meant to be.

'This was not my cup of tea!' 'If I were doing what I always wanted, I might have had a better life!'

But are we always right? Or we just camouflage our weaknesses and failures with lack of interest?

Past always haunts us. And low recesses of heart, like these, further invite them to torment us. So, actually we are not doing any good by revisiting that lane.

What we have now, today, only that is our cup of tea. We can't set eyes on other cups. No matter how fancy they may look and how cracked and leaky our own may seem.

There are no guarantees, after all.

There is no room for vacillation at the expense of damaging your present. You are doing nothing but vandalizing your own life.

Hang in there, for tomorrow is yet to come. And there is certainly a moment, hidden in the shell of future, that will change everything for good. Your mind set will drastically differ and you will see your life, once a miserable one, with hope.

Just live in present and you will see, however withered your life may seem, it can still be salvaged.

Mohit Joshi
Y12 Undergraduate, The LNMIIT

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